Friday, May 3, 2024

What Size Aerator Should You Buy?

pond aerator
Subsurface aeration is the best way to mechanically initiate the transfer of oxygen into a pond. Although micro bubbles – created by air flowing through a diffuser – add some dissolved oxygen, the greatest transfer occurs as water circulates to the surface. Water at the surface absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere and then circulates back to the bottom of the pond. Turning over the pond – the process of moving the entire volume of water to the surface periodically – creates an oxygen rich environment at all depths. In turn, fish can thrive, and conditions are right to break down organic matter and reduce/ prevent algae blooms.

Given the importance of water circulation, choosing the right size pond aerator is critical for getting the best results.

 Need help? We recommend two methods for choosing the right pond aerator - using our pond sizing recommendations chart, and sizing your aerator by the number of diffusers.

Visit our website to read more about each method!

Your Source for Pond Aerators and Aquaculture 

If you have any questions about choosing the right size pond aerator, please give us a call at 734-944-5032 or email us at

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