Thursday, May 16, 2024

How to Size a Pond Aerator by the Number of Diffusers

pond aerator
Every pond is unique in size, shape, and depth. 

Figuring out the number of diffusers needed to mix the entirety of the pond and working backwards can be a prudent strategy. For example, if you have a kidney shaped pond, you probably need at least 3 diffusers. Some ponds may need 4 if they have multiple coves.

Pond Aerator Sizing Steps:

  1. Choose the number of diffusers based on the shape and size of your pond.
  2. Identify which model diffuser you are going to buy. Manufacturers typically publish how much air flow is needed to “self-clean” – the amount of air flow that will keep the pores open and free of biological growth. Somewhere in the 30-40 LPM (liter per minute) is common and creates good circulation.
  3. Figure out the back pressure of your system (water pressure + diffuser backpressure + tubing friction loss). For a detailed step-by-step process, check out our article:
  4. Once you have figured out the backpressure of the system, review the pond aerator performance curves to determine the total amount of air flow. Start with the aerator recommended in the Pond Aerator Sizing Recommendation Table and bump up to the next size if needed. Pressure and flow have an inverse relationship – if one goes up, the other goes down. Performance curves are available on our website and are explained in the backpressure article.
  5. Divide the number of diffusers needed by the total air flow. Choose the pump that exceeds the amount of flow per diffuser suggested by the manufacturer.

More examples are on our website!

If you have any questions about choosing the right size pond aerator, please give us a call at 734-944-5032 or email us at

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