Friday, November 17, 2023

Tricks of the Trade for Winter Pond Aeration

pond aeration
It is important to move the diffuser from the deepest part of the pond.  If you have 6’ foot pond, move the diffuser closer to the shore to about 3’.  In the winter, the warmest water in the pond is at the bottom – which is where fish reside.  

If the diffuser is kept at the bottom of the pond, it will circulate the warm water and evenly distribute the cold water – disrupting the natural habitat.  Moving the diffuser closer to the surface also helps with reducing ice formation.

If possible, it is best to keep your aerator in a warm building or under some type of shelter. Pumping warm air into the pond will only increase the results.

Read more on our website!

Choose HIBLOW for Pond Aeration

We’ve manufactured pond aerators and air pumps for the pond and aquatic industries for over 30 years. We know that reliability, energy efficiency, and low sound levels are all extremely important for your aquatic systems. Whether you’re aerating tanks on fish transport vehicles, operating a commercial fish farm, or just keeping your backyard pond in a healthy condition—you can depend on our pumps for your application.

Contact us today to find the best pump for your application!

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