Monday, April 17, 2023

Spring Pond Aeration Steps from the Experts

pond aerator

Getting your pond ready for spring?

Make sure you have everything you need for the health of your pond with these steps.

Pond Aerator Spring Start-Up Steps:

  •     HIBLOW Linear Air Pump Maintenance
    • Clean or replace the air filter. HIBLOW suggests cleaning the filter every 6 months and replacing it once a year.  Wipe off excess dirt and dust in the housing around the filter.
    • Check the filter gasket and base gasket. In hot climates or after years of use, the gaskets can become brittle and allow for air to escape reducing air flow into the pond. Gaskets are available for purchase.
  •     Check each of the diffusers to make sure they haven’t clogged.
  •     Make sure the weighted line is not clogged with ice.
    • Most diffusers have a check valve, but water can find its way into the tubing. If you were to start the aerator with water and ice in the tubing, it will put excess back-pressure on the pump which can cause reduced diaphragm life. Pour 1 cup of isopropyl alcohol down each line. Turn the aerator on to blow out any ice particles.

Read the full list of spring pond aeration start-up steps on our website! 

Taking initiative at the beginning of the spring is imperative to the health of the pond in the summer.  The two primary ways that a pond receives oxygen are from plants and the atmosphere.  Water circulation from a HIBLOW aerator evens out oxygen levels and temperature and pushes water to the surface where it absorbs oxygen.  In addition to breaking down organic matter or muck, a healthy aerobic environment early in the spring helps combat the increasing levels of ammonia as life in the pond starts a new. Contact us for more information!

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