Thursday, November 3, 2022

Why Fall Pond Aeration is a Good Idea

pond aeration

Each season has its challenges for keeping a pond sufficiently oxygenated.  While cooler water does retain more oxygen, there are other conditions in the fall that can be detrimental to oxygen levels and pond health.  Whether using a HIBLOW or a different type of aeration technology, running the aeration system 24/7 in fall is highly recommended for short term and long-term pond health. 

Reduction in oxygen from plants

Aquatic plants, due to photosynthesis, create oxygen for ponds.  Naturally, as the cold sets in and there is less sunlight, algae and other aquatic plants start to die off or go dormant.  The green plants that survive produce much less oxygen because of the reduction in sunlight.  At the same time, respiration (oxygen plants consume) increases as the days become shorter.  

Increase in organic matter

Organic debris is most prevalent in the fall.  As leaves change color and drop to the ground, they and other dying aquatic vegetation are swept into the pond.  Fertilizer and decaying insects/ animals also find their way into the water, further impacting the water composition.  Nature uses beneficial micro-organisms (aerobic bacteria) – which require oxygen to live and thrive – to decompose organic matter.  With the influx of debris in the pond, more oxygen is needed to speed up the decomposition.  If there is not sufficient oxygen, the organic matter will be slow to decompose and can build up at the bottom of the pond.  Not only will this make for a major spring cleanup, the condition can contribute to fish kill in the winter. 

Read more about pond aeration here.

Benefits of pond aeration in the fall:

Subsurface aeration increases dissolved oxygen levels helping to offset the reduction in oxygen from plants.  Aeration allows for beneficial aerobic bacteria to multiply, speeding up the consumption of organic matter that has accumulated in the pond.  Subsurface aeration also circulates water to make temperatures and oxygen levels more consistent at all depths – preventing the devastating effects of sudden turnover.   

For additional content on pond aeration, please visit our pond page:

If you have any questions, please give us a call, or send an email.

Phone: 734-944-5032, Email:

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