Monday, May 3, 2021

Selecting a reliable and effective diffuser for your pond aeration system

The main reason bottom aeration is beneficial – as opposed to a surface aerator or a fountain – is that it mixes the pond from the bottom up, while transferring oxygen into the water.  

Many industry professionals believe that the mixing is more important than the oxygen transfer itself.  Mixing evens out the dissolved oxygen (DO) at all depths and prevents thermal stratification – a barrier that separates cold water at the bottom from the warmer water at the surface.  Surface water naturally receives oxygen from the atmosphere and through photosynthesis of algae/ aquatic plants.  

If a pond has stratified, the bottom can become depleted of oxygen which prevents “muck” from decomposing and therefore can produce a smell and impact water clarity.  Also, fish will not get the oxygen they need to thrive and survive when they seek refuge from the warmer surface water during the warmer months.    

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  • If you are buying a fine bubble diffuser, make sure to clean the diffuser frequently to prevent clogging. This will provide greater life for your HIBLOW pump and maximize the benefits of aeration.
  • Always ask the manufacturer the PSI that the diffuser adds to the system. The lower the PSI level, the more air flows into the pond and the longer the aerator will last. Under 0.25 PSI is best.
  • Be careful when considering diffusers with multiple discs or multiple sticks as PSI levels can reach 2 PSI or more depending on diffuser type. Some diffusers include up to 4 sticks or membranes.

If you have any questions about your pond aeration system, please give us a call, or send an email! Phone: 734-944-5032, Email:

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