Monday, April 5, 2021

Protect Your Tenants from Septic Issues

Are you a property owner getting ready to have renters in the late spring and summer?

Just over 21 million American households rely on a septic system to handle waste. Unlike a centralized sewer system where your home sends wastewater out through underground pipes, a septic system separates and treats wastewater through a tank and then disperses it to a drain field or other means of disposal.

The last thing you want when you have renters is a septic issue. You also want to make sure, depending on the type of septic system you have, that renters don’t start putting food scraps or other items down the drain if the system can’t handle it.

Nothing ruins a relaxing vacation like a septic problem you have to fix!

Read more about preparing your rental property's septic system on our website.

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