Wednesday, October 6, 2021

National Hydrogen Fuel Cell Day is October 8th!

Engineers, scientists, and manufacturers across the country will celebrate Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day on October 8, 2021 (chosen for the atomic weight of hydrogen – 1.008)!

According to, “hydrogen and fuel cells can be used in multiple sectors for transportation, stationary power, and industrial applications enabling energy security, resiliency, and a strong domestic economy in emerging technologies.”

Did you know…

  • Interest in hydrogen and fuel cells is ramping up across multiple end-uses, including trucks, maritime, rail, the grid, and industrial processes where the integration of hydrogen and fuel cells can add economic, environmental, and energy resiliency benefits.
  • The amount of fuel cell power shipped just surpassed 1 gigawatt, a third of a million stationary fuel cells are powering global operations
  • More than 470 hydrogen stations are serving 25,000 fuel cells cars worldwide.
  • In the United States, more than 35,000 hydrogen fuel cell forklifts help move goods at supermarkets, warehouses, and logistics facilities.
  • 500 MW of stationary fuel cell power ensures cell phone towers and other critical loads stay on.
  • Large-scale hydrogen-use applications are gaining momentum, and activities that demonstrate the value of integrating hydrogen and fuel cell systems in data centers, ports, and in steel making are ramping up.

HIBLOW Hydrogen Fuel Cell Pumps and Blowers

Hydrogen Recirc Blowers, Gas Boosters, and Cathode Air Pumps

Low energy consumption, exceptional service life, low noise, and lubrication free—HIBLOW pumps are the ideal fluid power component for your integrated fuel cell system.

We have manufactured and provided hundreds of thousands of pump units for fuel cell integrators since 2005—including gas boosters, cathode air blowers, and hydrogen recirculation blowers.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Fall Pond Aeration

At HIBLOW USA we receive many calls each year at the end of summer asking if pond aeration is needed in the fall, or if they should turn off our pump and store it until spring.  They also ask if the pump can handle colder temperatures.  The answer is yes to both.  Many argue that fall is the most important time of the year to run the pond aerator.  Sudden drops in temperature, a reduction in sunlight, strong storms, and an increase of organic debris all contribute to reduction in oxygen levels that directly impact the health of the pond.

Reduction in oxygen from plants

Aquatic plants, due to photosynthesis, create oxygen for ponds.  Naturally, as the cold sets in and there is less sunlight, algae and other aquatic plants start to die off or go dormant.  The green plants that survive produce much less oxygen because of the reduction in sunlight.  

Increase in organic matter

Organic debris is most prevalent in the fall.  As leaves change color and drop to the ground, they and other dying aquatic vegetation are swept into the pond.  Fertilizer and decaying insects/ animals also find their way into the water, further impacting the water composition.  Nature uses beneficial micro-organisms (aerobic bacteria) – which require oxygen to live and thrive – to decompose organic matter.  With the influx of debris in the pond, more oxygen is needed to speed up the decomposition.  If there is not sufficient oxygen, the organic matter will be slow to decompose and can build up at the bottom of the pond.  Not only will this make for a major spring cleanup, the condition can contribute to fish kill in the winter.  

Want more tips for fall pond aeration? Read the full article on our website!

Introducing the HIBLOW Adjustable Height Pond Diffuser

HIBLOW USA is proud to announce the launch of its latest innovation: the HIBLOW Adjustable Height Pond Diffuser. Use HIBLOW Linear Pond aera...