Friday, September 17, 2021

SepticSmart Week Starts on September 20!

Is your septic system being maintained properly?

Do you worry about it failing or your home flooding?

SepticSmart Week starts next week, and this is the perfect opportunity to make sure you’re doing everything you can to properly maintain your septic system.

According to the EPA, “most septic systems fail because of inappropriate design or poor maintenance. Some soil-based systems (those with a drain field) are installed at sites with inadequate or inappropriate soils, excessive slopes, or high ground water tables. These conditions can cause hydraulic failures and contamination of nearby water sources.”

Failure to keep up with routine maintenance, either on your own or by hiring a professional, could cause solids in the tank to migrate into the drain field and clog your system.

How can you make sure you avoid any issues? Read the full article about SepticSmart week on our website!

Be SepticSmart with HIBLOW!

In many onsite treatment systems, the air pump is the only moving part in the overall septic system, so it must be dependable. Working 24 hours a day and through all four seasons of the year — HIBLOW linear air pumps set the industry standard for reliability and service life.

HIBLOW USA offers support for application engineering, custom products, and inventory management. If you have a project outside of North or Central America, we will connect you with our partner offices covering your geographic region.

Questions? Call 734-429-5618 or send us an email.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

How to Be a SepticSmart Homeowner

According to the EPA, “one in five U.S. homes have septic systems.”

Yours may be one of them!

How can you be sure your septic system is properly maintained?

HIBLOW is happy to be a partner in the EPA’s SepticSmart week initiative. This initiative is a nation-wide public education effort that provides resources to homeowners, local organizations, and government leaders.

For the full list of tips to make sure your septic system is properly maintained, visit our website!

Be SepticSmart with HIBLOW!

In many onsite treatment systems, the air pump is the only moving part in the overall septic system, so it must be dependable. Working 24 hours a day and through all four seasons of the year — HIBLOW linear air pumps set the industry standard for reliability and service life.

HIBLOW USA offers support for application engineering, custom products, and inventory management.

If you have a project outside of North or Central America, we will connect you with our partner offices covering your geographic region.

Questions? Call 734-429-5618 or send us an email.

Introducing the HIBLOW Adjustable Height Pond Diffuser

HIBLOW USA is proud to announce the launch of its latest innovation: the HIBLOW Adjustable Height Pond Diffuser. Use HIBLOW Linear Pond aera...